FREE PARKING We offer in person and online classes for your convenience!
Your #1 Premier Arts Centre
Beaches Conservatory Arts Centre
Acting Up ages 10+ Tues 7-8pm
Acting Improv, Comedy, Theatre games
Available spots
Service Description
We offer exceptional drama and acting classes! Our captivating and interactive classes are specifically designed to ignite your child’s creativity and cultivate their love for the performing arts. Students enhance confidence, self-expression, self esteem and communication Our classes provide a supportive and enjoyable environment where every child can truly shine. We teach the basics and students put them to use playing performance games. Our skits and exercises will help your child develop your spontaneity, creativity, confidence and unleash their imagination. Sign up now and let's get Acting up! In June of each year, actors showcase their growth and talent by performing a short, scripted production for parents and friends.. Join our drama program today and watch your child shine on stage!
Cancellation Policy
No make up lessons for group classes BCAC reserves the right to use photographs/video material of the participants for promotional purposes such as website, brochures, displays and in-house archives (staff, students, parents). Release and Liability Students, parents and guardians agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Beaches Conservatory for the Performing Arts and the employees and contractors, from and against all claims of injury, damage or loss of any kind whatsoever arising out of the participation in any activities associated with Bravo Academy for the Performing Arts. Medical and Allergy Information Fees are non refundable and non transferrable
Contact Details
1089 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON, Canada
416 694 4792